Old Main, the main building of 中北书院.

Announcing North Central’s New President - 3/21/23

Dear 中北书院 Community,

I am thrilled to share that the Board of 受托人 has unanimously当选 安妮塔·托马斯博士.D., 担任… the 11th president of 中北书院. She will assume her official role at the College on July 1, 2023.

An inspiring and proven leader, researcher, educator, and psychologist, Dr. Thomas is a champion of liberal arts and sciences education. With more than 25 years of experience in academia, she has a keen sense of the higher education landscape. 同样重要的是, her values are aligned with 中北书院’s mission to prepare 学生 to become curious and engaged citizens and leaders in their communities. Dr. Thomas is poised to move the College forward into its next chapter.

This appointment is historic. Dr. Thomas is the first woman and the first person of color to lead 中北书院 in its 162-year history. In addition to leading the College, she will hold the 教师 rank of professor of psychology in North Central’s College of Arts and Sciences.

自2019年以来, Dr. Thomas has served as the executive vice president and provost 在圣. 圣凯瑟琳大学. 保罗,明尼苏达州., one of the largest private women’s universities in the country. In her role as chief academic officer, she has provided strategic leadership for the university’s academic programs. In addition, she has been responsible for student affairs and career development. 在St之前. 凯瑟琳,博士. Thomas was the founding dean of the College of Applied Behavioral Sciences at the University of Indianapolis. 比如立博在线体育, the University of Indianapolis is affiliated with the United Methodist Church (UMC). Dr. Thomas served at Loyola University Chicago for 10 years, both as a 教师 member and administrator. In 2010, she received the Outstanding 教师 Member of the Year Award from Loyola’s Office of 多样性 and 多元文化事务. 在她职业生涯的早期, she was associate professor and department chair for counselor education at Northeastern Illinois University. 你可以了解更多关于Dr. 托马斯 大学的网站.

On behalf of the Board of 受托人, I want to express deep gratitude to the Presidential 搜索 Committee and all who participated in the national search for North Central’s next leader. 在博士的指导下. 凯西·伯, 委员会主席, that process engaged diverse members of the College community, 包括受托人, 学生, 校友, 教师, 和工作人员. 你可以 view the full list of Presidential 搜索 Committee members here.

Dr. Thomas was introduced to the 中北书院 campus community at a special event earlier today at Wentz Concert Hall. For those who were unable to attend, the event was livestreamed and is now available on the 学院的YouTube频道.

Please join me in giving a warm Cardinal welcome to Dr. 托马斯和她的家人!

