

Professor of 计算机科学 and Engineering, Chairperson, Department of 计算机科学


+1 630 637 5176




Sun-il金 is a Professor of 计算机科学 and Engineering at 中北书院. Prior to joining 中北书院, he was an Assistant Professor of 计算机科学 at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and an Associate Professor of Computer Systems Engineering at the University of Alaska Anchorage. His research interests lie in the application of gaming technology, 网络安全, 网络系统. His past projects include assessment of gaming technology for simulation, remote vehicular monitoring and data collections system, and security for virtualization. He is a senior member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).


Partial List of Recent Work (peer-reviewed):

  • V. Heydari,年代. 金和S. M. 柳, "Scalable Anti-Censorship Framework Using Moving Target Defense for Web Servers," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 12(5), 2017.
  • D.J.Enriquez,年代. 詹森,. 包蒂斯塔,P. 场,年代. 金米. 阿里和J. 米勒, "On Software-Based Remote Vehicle Monitoring for Detection and Mapping of Slippery Road Sections," International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 15(3), 2017.
  • V. Heydari,年代. M. 柳、S. 金, "Secure VPN using Mobile IPv6 based Moving Target Defense," IEEE GLOBECOM, 2016.
  • R. 约翰斯顿,年代. 金,D. Coe L. Etzkorn J. 库利克和A. Milenkovic, "Xen Network Flow Analysis for Intrusion Detection," ACM Cyber and Information Security Research Conference, 2016.
  • W. 埃德蒙兹,年代. 金E. 麦金太尔,C. Karuppanchetty和N. 那万泽, "Efficient Tuning Methodologies for a Network Payload Anomaly Inspection Scheme," IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, 2016.
  • R. 约翰斯顿和S. 金, "Secure Information Dissemination and Retrieval at the Tactical Edge," AFCEA/IEEE Military Communications Conference, 2015.


CSCE 160: Intro to Computer Programming

CSCE 310: Mobile Applications Development

CSCE 360: Database Systems

CSCE 479: Computer/Network Security

CSCE 380: Intro to Artificial Intelligence

CSCE 494: Senior Capstone